Every client has their own unique combination of needs and hopes for their own emotional wellbeing and freedom from psychological pain. Clients are not defined by their perceived problems or issues – if anything in your life isn’t serving you right now or actually causing you prolonged hurt and pain, think about getting in touch and seeing if a course of talking therapy can bring you closer to your goals. I offer a free 10 minute introductory phone call to enable you to give me a brief overview of why you are seeking therapy and ask any questions you may have.
Clients may feel better in a handful of sessions if the problems are relatively new, of a less ingrained nature and of the type that may respond well to short term therapy, such as making a decision around some life event or work choice. I encourage us to have regular reviews about what is working for you so that we can tailor our work to meet your needs for lasting wellbeing. I do not upsell you into longer courses of therapeutic work than you need.
I do not share any details or anything you tell me in our sessions with anyone else with the exception of if you were to tell me that you were considering serious self-harm that would endanger your own health or prove a risk to life, or if you told me you were intending to harm another person. In that rare circumstance, of profoundly serious risk, I would still endeavour to check with you before disclosing that information to a GP or relevant professional.
As with all professional counsellors, I do discuss my caseload at regular Supervision with senior consultants who abide by strict codes of ethics. Clients are safeguarded as I never disclose full names or any details by which my clients could be identified.
I work with individuals on a one-to-one basis and have capacity to offer couples therapy as well. If we were to commence our work and then you felt it would be beneficial for your partner or significant other to attend and have their own counselling, due to the boundary issue and necessity to keep all that we discuss safe and confidential, which is part of the ethical code of my profession, I would suggest your partner seek counselling elsewhere and be happy to give solid referrals or recommendations on request.
It is rare for trained and professionally qualified therapists to find that a client cannot be ‘helped’, but I would encourage you to see this as a relationship we are developing. It may also be that your particular needs can be better served by a different type of therapy or you may need a gender specific therapist or one whose specialist area is more aligned to the definition of what you wish to work on. I will be fully supportive of your decisions throughout and if I can help with referrals or recommendations I will always strive to do so.
I can sometimes offer concession or donation spaces for those in hardship, or a discount for booking a number of sessions in a block. If not, I may be able to signpost you to free or affordable counselling elsewhere. I am also registered with BUPA.
Yes, most certainly. I charge £55.00 for a one-off hour long session and have been trained in Windy Dryden’s Single Session Therapy model. Nonetheless, I would generally recommend you consider a course of a minimum of 6-10 sessions to feel the most benefit from counselling.
If a session has been booked and you, the client, fail to turn up or give little or no warning of your intention to not attend, I attempt to rearrange your session at a time convenient for you within the next 7 days. I do charge 100% of the fee if you do not let me know about not attending in advance, since that time was set aside for you and I typically have other clients looking for appointments.
Talking therapies have been practised since the end of the nineteenth century; there are many different types and methodologies and contrasting beliefs about what works best. At the moment, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (uncovering limiting beliefs), is available from most GPs; however sessions are limited to 6 or so per person and often delivered by computer. All qualified therapists and counsellors undergo many hours of personal therapy prior to taking clients and the training on accredited courses is rigorous and long term. Therapists are required to be in regular supervision, hold appropriate insurance and abide by the professional ethics of their respective governing body.
I am Accredited with both the BACP (British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy) and NCPS (National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society). I hold two diplomas and appropriate insurance, which I am happy to speak more about should you wish to know more.
Again, I would hold to the hope that we can find a way for you to start feeling the benefits of consulting an experienced counsellor from the start.
I cannot offer guarantees and it will naturally depend on the nature of what you come with, but I do believe that the type of counselling I offer is gentle, empowering and sustaining.
I like to see all my clients as soon as possible. If my practice is full, I also operate a waiting list.
We also agree a time and date to start, mindful of your individual needs. Please call or text me, Helen Stone, on 07753 801372, or email helen@wayaheadcounselling.co.uk, if you are ready to arrange one of these.
The next step would then be to start work together, typically meeting at the same time on a weekly basis for as long as you need.