About Me
Various traumatic life experiences have brought me into this work.
I had a long and rigorous training before I qualified as a Counsellor through the Institute of Psychosynthesis.
I am Accredited with the BACP (British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy) and with the NCPS (National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society) and registered with BUPA.
Much of my work is around facilitating the recovery of my clients, who may have suffered in narcissistic and emotionally abusive relationships. Other issues that clients bring through the door concern work place psychology and bullying, disordered and erratic eating patterns, social and relationship difficulties, the complex feelings that arise at midlife, and the need for bespoke support through transition, change and loss.
My Diplomas are in Psychosynthesis and Psychodynamic Counselling and I also studied Homeopathic Medicine for a time. I am influenced in my work by the practice of Mindfulness, NLP, Emotional Freedom Tapping and Personal Coaching. I am also a life-long advocate for having whatever level of Yoga practice you can manage.

Contacting me is very simple:
I will endeavour to get back to you promptly – usually within the same 12/24 hours.
Most of all though, I recognise how much courage it can take to ask for help and ring up a therapist and I assure you that I take what I do seriously and follow stringent ethical guidelines in my practice.
Links and Information
The Institute of Psychosynthesis
This is the body with whom I trained and qualified between 2010 and 2014. I include a link to their site which explains fully the process that practitioners go through to be able to work effectively with their clients.
The Psychosynthesis Trust
This organisation trains Psychosynthesis therapists and I have worked with some of their therapists in-training through to their subsequent qualification as counsellors.
”I really wanted to say thank you thank you thank you for your time, your effort, knowledge, thoughts and finally feelings over the last 20+ sessions. I know and feel I have progressed amazingly and I know I couldn’t have done that without you and your guidance.”
MK (client)
“Thank you so much Helen for your help over the last 3 months. I knew I needed to talk through and solve a couple of issues in my life but I never realised the effect your sessions would have on me as a whole. You provided me with space and the ability to listen without judgement which allowed me to open up and explore what I was truly feeling and act on decisions. I feel so much stronger in my own mind and happier as a result.”